Digi-Extend Hand Exerciser

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Extension, flexion, abduction, finger blocking—a gymnasium for the hand.

Unique therapy device isolates extension of all five fingers and each of the individual finger joints. Also can be used for finger adduction, abduction, blocking and flexion exercises.
For rehabilitation of carpal tunnel, stroke, fractures, tendon injury, nerve lacerations, and tennis elbow.
Strengthens intrinsic and extrinsic muscle groups to maximize extensor tendon gliding, joint motion, coordination and muscle function in the hand and forearm.
The design makes it easy to vary hand positions for specific exercises that will help maximize patient outcomes.
Color-coded, latex-free elastic bands can be changed easily to provide progressive levels of resistance.
Includes 5 tan (xx-light), 4 yellow (x-light), 3 red (light) and 2 green (medium) latex-free elastic bands and an instruction booklet.
Latex free.